HKGQuar Introduction
The Hong Kong Guitar Quartet since 1998
Guitar Quartet Concert aims to nurture Hong Kong’s young guitarists to advance their musicianship with ease without the pressure as faced by most of instrumental soloist.
Through this concert scheme, we hope the young guitarists can unify the music, the guitar, the skills, the body and finally the spirit as a whole in the very soon future.
We join together as we believe the following doctrines:
- Everyone is born with musical ability. It can either be nurtured or squandered.
- Reasearches in child development have identified music as one of the seven intelligences, just as important as linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences.
- Music provides an avenue for creativity and self-expression.
- One who learn to play an instrument learn discipline and how to cooperate with others.
- Participation in music adds richness to the quality of life.
香港結他四重奏 成立於1998