The Hong Kong Guitar Ensemble (HKGE) was established by John Kam in 1987. We are registered as a non-profit art educational unit. We aim at providing music learning opportunities and background for the next generation; to improve our members’ musicianship, performing skills and promote classical guitar music to the general public. In the past two decades, we have regularly performed and toured around different major city/town halls, cultural centre and dominant tertiary educational institutes within Hong Kong.
Focusing on the mental and personal development for our members the slogan ‘IN MUSIC, WE TRUST’; we play a key role advocating our members a positive attitude and thinking to share our passion for music education. Our mission is to positively influence to our members and young new generation their lives by participating both in a cheerful life of music and musical life.
We have enjoyed a cooperative relationship with charity organizations such as ‘Lifeline Express’ to help the needy. We give performances, academic lecture tour, with music workshops within different charities or educational sectors in Hong Kong and Mainland China, especially to schools in the rural area; we provide tertiary students ‘Industry Attachment’; we promote and support varies local arts culture functions organized by different organizations and mass medias like at the Peak, we gave educational Christmas Carol performance for seven continuously days. We support Art in MTR – “Living art” and attend cultural program of RTHK, TVB etc.. By presenting “Come-Together Concert” and exploring new direction in guitar performance, we provide opportunities to the general public to get in touch with different culture and the worldwide classical music.
There are around 30 members in our ensemble. The music we play ranges widely from serious classical music to folks and popular hit tunes. These years, we successfully co-operate and hold different music exchange programs, master classes and concerts with musicians all over the world, including Australia, Brazil, Britain, China, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, Norway, Singapore, Sweden and Vietnam. With the global network and by utilizing our core strength, we will always do our best and would like to cooperate with others by organizing charity function, educational concert and master class to benefit our young new generation.
‘Luckily this song wasn’t play in India … otherwise this stadium will get flooded’
……limsoontiongod (YouTube)
‘This ensemble played well, …… Would like to see your ensemble come to BC Canada.’
……Cybelle2006 (YouTube)
‘Beautiful, sort of pastoral, version. It’s so nice,……’
……54markl (YouTube)
‘wow. classical style. like it. gambatte .’
……jeffnsy (YouTube)
‘Great, I love this music, brings joy and exciting’
……hensang (YouTube)
‘Performers of the Hong Kong Guitar Ensemble showed high discipline with rapt attention to their conductor and rendered superb technical executions for each piece. ….. onstage looking fresh and filled with inspiring enthusiasms which in turn captured the audience complete attention and held them fully mesmerized! The HKGE is truly inspiring!’
……Siew Chin Hew
‘it was indeed privileged to have HKGE visited us ….. It was a musical night ….. All who attended was truly amazed by the performance ….. You’ll never know, one performance, just one, could sometimes change your life.’’’
‘HKGE is truly a well-established and versatile ensemble of guitarists. ….. has all the makings of a distinctive musical group ‘
……Balraj Gopal
‘It was a wonderful performance at Singapore, Esplanade Library ….. Brilliant and cool, nice repertoire. Heartwarming.’
……Pay Peng Neo
……limsoontiongod (YouTube)
「此合奏團演奏得十分之好 ….. 冀望你們能到加拿大卑詩省來表演。」
……Cybelle2006 (YouTube)
……54markl (YouTube)
……jeffnsy (YouTube)
……hensang (YouTube)
「香港結他合奏團的樂手展示出高度的紀律性和合作性,整場演奏會全神貫注指揮的指示而做出高難度的技巧和展現精湛的技術。 ….. 精神抖擻,志氣高昂而深深吸引著現場觀眾!香港結他合奏團確實令人振奮!」
……Siew Chin Hew
「很榮幸能邀請香港結他合奏團到本校 ….. 一個充滿高質素音樂的晚上 ….. 演出令全部觀眾驚嘆不已,嘖嘖稱奇 ….. 你不會預計到一個演出,就那麼一個,或能改變你的一生。」
「香港結他合奏團真是一個完善和展現多方面能力的合奏團 ….. 展現出與眾不同優秀合奏團的鮮明素質。」
……Balraj Gopal
「在新加坡濱海藝術中心圖書館的精彩演出 ….. 出色的選曲,華麗卓越的音樂,扣人心弦。」
……Pay Peng Neo