We admit enrollment whole year-round
1. The Hong Kong Guitar Ensemble (HKGE)
2. The Hong Kong Guitar Symphony Orchestra (HKGSO)
3. The Hong Kong Youth Guitar Ensemble (HKYGE)
4. The Hong Kong Guitar Quintet (HKGQuin)
5. The Hong Kong Guitar Quartet (HKGQuar)
6. The Hong Kong Guitar Trio (HKGT)
7. Fan Club of The Hong Kong Guitar Ensemble and
8. The Guitar Research Group – a fully academic organization
wholly owned by HKGE. We provide music and practical courses
for general and professional study. Instruments include guitar,
violin, viola, cello and piano.
If you are interested in joining our Ensemble family, please reach the following links for further details,
Application for HKGE Members
Application for HKYGE Members