Home Introduction The Hong Kong Guitar Ensemble 30th Anniversary Concert「香港結他合奏團三十週年音樂會」

The Hong Kong Guitar Ensemble 30th Anniversary Concert「香港結他合奏團三十週年音樂會」

by hkggor

The Hong Kong Guitar Ensemble 30th Anniversary Concert 「香港結他合奏團三十週年音樂會」
通過30年與觀眾互動和國際著名音樂家和表演團體的交流,深化了我們對音樂會的選材,編曲和結他樂團交響化的體驗。今次30週年音樂會正展現了上述的辛勞和成果。 除了有動聽古典樂章外,特別編寫了一首包括57首古典主題音樂的串燒曲。同時還包括有耳熟能詳的流行音樂、刺激的動漫音樂、悅耳動聽的音樂劇和氣勢澎湃的電影插曲。望能使合奏團團員和觀眾一同來享受我們這場精心設計的成果。
Through 30 years of interaction with the audience and the world’s leading musicians and performing groups, deepen our experience in the selection of genre, arrangement and guitar orchestration.
Our 30th anniversary concert is showing the above endeavor and effort. We also specially arrange a piece containing 57 themes of classical music, as well as music from pop, exciting animation, melodious musical to famous movie episode. Hope our ensemble members and the audience together enjoy a night of well-designed amazing programme.

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